In 2010, the words "earthquake swarm" entered the lexicon in Oklahoma. That same year, a trove of Michael Jackson memorabilia - including his iconic crystal-encrusted white glove - was sold at auction for over $1 million to a guy who was, officially, just the lowly forestry minister of the tiny nation of Equatorial Guinea. And in 2014, Ukrainian revolutionaries raided the palace of...
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In this New York Times bestseller, an award-winning journalist uses ten maps of crucial regions to explain the geo-political strategies of the world powers—“fans of geography, history, and politics (and maps) will be enthralled” (Fort Worth Star-Telegram).
Maps have a mysterious hold over us. Whether ancient, crumbling parchments or generated by Google, maps tell us things we want...
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Gemeenschappelijk toezicht op sociaal beleid is in ieders belang, schrijft Adriaan Schout .
Het geloof in de Europese Commissie is misschien aangetast door overhaaste voorstellen op het gebied van de euro, of het balletje-balletje met Junckers topambtenaar Martin Selmayr, maar op het gevoelige terrein van sociaal beleid komt zij nu met een zinnig voorstel.
Regeringen, sociale...
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In 'Je hebt wél iets te verbergen' laten onderzoeksjournalisten Maurits Martijn (1981) en Dimitri Tokmetzis (1975) zien waarom privacy het meest bedreigde mensenrecht van onze tijd is. Ze leggen bloot welke gegevens je allemaal weggeeft en aan wie. En, belangrijker nog: welke ingrijpende gevolgen dat heeft.
Hun journalistieke zoektocht voor 'De Correspondent' werd de afgelopen jaren...
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A titanic battle is being waged for Europe’s integrity and soul, with the forces of reason and humanism losing out to growing irrationality, authoritarianism, and malice, promoting inequality and austerity. The whole world has a stake in a victory for rationality, liberty, democracy, and humanism.
In January 2015, Yanis Varoufakis, an economics professor teaching in Austin, Texas,...
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From two leading thinkers, the widely anticipated book that describes a new, hugely connected world of the future, full of challenges and benefits which are ours to meet and harness. The New Digital Age is the product of an unparalleled collaboration: full of the brilliant insights of one of Silicon Valley's great innovators - what Bill Gates was to Microsoft and Steve Jobs was to...
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We’re used to thinking of the United States in opposing terms: red versus blue, haves versus have-nots. But today there are three Americas. At one extreme are the brain hubs—cities like San Francisco, Boston, and Durham—with workers who are among the most productive, creative, and best paid on the planet. At the other extreme are former manufacturing capitals, which are rapidly...
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Putin is, like the tsar's of old, a little father who makes a point of listening and becoming involved in the problems of his people. He has become famous for his multi-hour marathons on Russian television where ordinary Russians are invited to call in and "ask Vladimir Putin anything." Invariably, most of the calls involve ordinary Russian citizens telling Putin about one problem or...
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Excellent interview by Adjiedj. Prof. Volberda explains the logic of innovation. He emphasizes the importance of education throughout your life. He explains that the Unions and the O&O funds in the Netherlands are not successful in helping people to improve themselves. He suggests to and the employer allow employers to be granted a taxation benefit to allow their employees to develop...
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Whenever an individual or team embarks on a mission of radical innovation or change, a journey into new and unmapped territory starts. Business Heroes provides a roadmap for the brave characters who seek to take themselves and their organizations into a new and unimagined future. This journey is ridden with danger but inspired by Merlin, Odysseus, Siddharta, Agamemnon and St. George...
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In 1989 Tilburg University, The Netherlands, launched a plan in which the building of a new high-tech library and the development of innovative information services was announced. At that moment the University Library had six centrally managed departmental branches on different locations on the campus. It was a medium-sized library with approximately 700,000 volumes and 54 full time...
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