Fertilisation of the mind
As of 1983, I have spent my entire professional life pursuing innovative ideas to help people communicate and collaborate more successfully. This website aims to share the fertilisation of my mind, make warm connections with real people, find new ideas, and, Yes, make them happen!
I have a passion for ideas and bringing them to operational reality. Over the years, I have held high-level marketing and sales positions in several global technology companies, including Digital Equipment Corporation, AT&T, Bell Labs and IBM. As of 1999, I run my own companies in the Netherlands, USA and South Africa. With the support of my business partners, we are also active in Germany, the UK, Poland and Ukraine.
My strength lies in the ability to learn, share and grow. Helping individuals and organizations realize their potential and accomplish 'more with less' has been the driving force behind creating projects that I have initiated: the 'Library of the Future', FACTORYZOO incubator, SMRT.bio - Be Epic, CockpitWork big data analysis for the labour market, HumanCapitalAgenda. Specialities: Marketing and Sales; Product Development; Talent Management; Technology; Coaching; International Business Development.
Are we educating our children out of the innate abilities that they desperately need to navigate an uncertain future where routine jobs are replaced by robots and software? It looks like we are, in fact, research shows that creativity levels have been continuously dropping for the last two decades.
Is the answer more tests, increased competition and standardization of our schools? That’s what most of political leaders and education administrators are arguing.
Fortunately, there are dissenting voices of people who aren’t stuck in a 20th century mentality of training obedient and subservient workers for factories and bureaucracies. Creativity in education expert Sir Ken Robinson believes our current focus on rote learning, memorization and regurgitation on tests is completely backward.
He argues that our one-size-fits-all factory schooling model is impoverishing the foundations children will need for living a successful, creative life: independent thought and imagination. Ken makes a powerful argument for why we need to transform the way we educate our children now.
Shouldn't we do that for everybody?